Author: Admin

Candido Da Rocha: Nigeria’s Trailblazing Millionaire from Ilesha

Candido Da Rocha, known as Nigeria’s first millionaire, was not only a prosperous businessman but also a notable figure with a compelling backstory as a slave returnee from Brazil. Born in the Bahia region to Joao Esan da Rocha, who was captured as a slave at the age of ten, and Angelica Josephina da Rocha, […]

Prepare Adalu Recipe: How to Cook Nigerian Beans and Corn Porridge for a Nutritious Meal

Adalu means (Nigerian Beans and corn Porridge in Yoruba) is a sweet traditional Nigerian food, which you can be wrong with it’s called ”Ewa ati Agbado”(Yoruba) and ”Agwa na Oka”(Igbo). popular among the Yoruba people, combine beans and corn into a nutritious, filling meal. This way, you get the best of both foods in a […]